Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why Apple cannot build just an iTablet

There is a lot of rumors about a tablet (let's call it iTablet) coming from Apple. I have a problem believing them face value and I question what else is there, that we all missed, that would motivate them to build such device.

Tablet pc are nothing new, there are many on the market and they are not selling well. Why? Positioning and pricing. There is not enough room between a smart phone (iPhone, Pre) and a laptop to justify a tablet PC. And for "room" I am referring to pricing. $90 (and a two year contract) today gets you the phone + portable computer AKA iPhone 3G. $500 will get you a laptop from a name brand other than Apple, of course. So let's say those are our boundaries

>$90 and <$500 Well, it gets worse. Now we need to add Kindle to the equation. After all I would expect that if I buy an iTablet, I can read books with it. The reader should note that this open a whole new problem with display technology that we will omit for the sake of brevity. Let it just be said that paper like display (like Kindle's e-ink) consume a lot less energy and they have no refresh rate making them as comfortable as paper to read. Back to our superficial market analysis. As I was saying, we are not done yet, the dagger in the hearth comes from net-books. Virtually that shrinks our range for an iTablet to >$90 and <$200 (with data plan...) That is a though place to make money in considering the amount of hardware that must go into one of these devices. Namely I would expect that an iTablet must...
  • have comparable screen size to a Kindle DX
  • have comparable battery life (in read mode) to a Kindle
  • have wireless access (3G/wifi)
  • have all the bells and whistles of an iPod Touch
  • use touch and stylus (so you can actually write on it like you would on a paper notebook)
  • and last but not least, have access to a ton of books, movies, music and let's not forget (drum rolls...) games! See yesterday comments during their PR event in San Francisco that their iPod Touch is a PSP competitor.
Perhaps that is too much and some features should be dropped but let's assume for the sake of argument that they can pull all of that off and still not become another Sony/PS3 story. Well if they can do that they may have a killer product that does not replace a smart phone and that does not replaces a laptop but that has its own niche. Niche that is currently occupied mostly by net-books that would instantly become obsolete. So far so good. Who pays for all of this though?

Note: they have done something like this already with the iPod as it virtually killed all MP3 players already on the market by addressing the same need but with a superior user experience. Can they do this for the tablet PC market? Maybe. The question is how do they make money. Let's explore.

A quick glance back to what I just wrote should convince you that this is a monumental challenge as you must do all of the above and still end up in the $200 ballpark, street price. Now we all know that Apple excels in convincing its buyers that their products are worth a premium and let's say they can position it at $500. Let's also say that they pull another AT&T partnership so they can effectively subsidy the iTablet, forcing buyers to subscribe to 3G service. That would be a masterful plan. The question still stands, why go through all of this trouble given the high cost and risks. Where is the money?

My take is as good as antibody's but I hope that this brief post convinced the reader that if Apple does this, they must have more up their sleeve than just a better tablet PC. They must have come up with a better overall experience or even a new ecosystem that perhaps displaces more than just net-books. Perhaps what this is about is a better way to work, play and interact with a digital device that becomes part of our daily lives much as they managed to do with smart phones.

I for once would be very happy to be proven wrong and if they do build it, I look forward to be one of the first to adopt it, use it and exploit the benefit of a well executed tablet PC platform.

Thoughts and comments are appreciated. Tell me, what did I miss!?

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